Prismatic Bridge Monthly Casual Commander [Rescheduled]
Magic: The Gathering
Come join us for the Prismatic Bridge monthly casual commander catch-up at Temple Arden in North Melbourne from 3:30pm onwards.
This is a free event so please support the venue by buying some food, something to drink or a couple of boosters. Temple Arden has a liquor license so you can get a beer, sake or a cocktail to go along with your game.
Our commander catch ups are as much about meeting new people and making friends as it is about getting to play some commander and while we understand that people want to play the decks they want to play, we also want to have a welcoming and positive environment where everyone can have a good time - so please have a pre-game conversation about how long you've been playing Magic, roughly what your deck does and perhaps be willing to switch decks to match power levels at the table if required.
This is also a beginner friendly event so if you're still learning, have only ever played Arena or just want to give Commander a go then you're more than welcome and please feel free to drop me (Nik) or one of the other admins (Matthew or Kikkii) a message if it's your first time attending and we'll make sure to get you settled on an appropriately powered table.
We also have a library of pre-cons that are available to borrow on the day for anyone who doesn't have a deck or just feels like playing something a bit different. There's over 20 decks available for loan going right back to the very first commander set ever released and you can find all the available decks and their decklists here:
Temple Arden is located at 135 Arden Street, North Melbourne – which right next to the #57 tram route (which you can catch from Elizabeth Street in the CBD) or a 5-10 minute walk from North Melbourne Station.
For more information about the Commander format, visit:

If you have one.

Prismatic Bridge Monthly Casual Commander [Rescheduled] ticket - Sun, 13 Aug 2023

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