Be the first one to have the four cards in your hand that matches the unique code card.
To play, players take turns playing one or more cards from their hand in order to match the color or number value on the central card. If the central card is a green 6, then you could play a green card, a 6 card, or two cards equaling 6. Action cards spice things up a notch, as they can swap hands, force a player to miss a turn, and more. Collect the numbers required by your code card—and discard anything that doesn’t match—and you win!
Apple Green / Temple Arden - $25.00
Aurora / Temple Arden - $25.00
Black / Temple Arden - $25.00
Blue / Maze of Fitzroy - $25.00
Blue / Temple Arden - $25.00
Copper / Temple Arden - $25.00
Emerald / Maze of Fitzroy - $25.00
Dragon Shield Matte Sleeves
Altdorf Guard Blue - $6.00
White Scar - $6.00
Squig Orange - $6.00
Hoeth Blue - $6.00
Calgar Blue - $6.00
Alaitoc Blue - $6.00
Teclis Blue - $6.00
Citadel Paint Layer 12ml
Black / Maze of Fitzroy - $15.00
Black / Temple Arden - $15.00
Green / Temple Arden - $15.00
Lime / Maze of Fitzroy - $15.00
Pink / Maze of Fitzroy - $15.00
White / Temple Arden - $15.00
Yellow / Maze of Fitzroy - $15.00
Gamegenic Prime Card Sleeves (100pk)