Come down for our double header Premier Challenge day! Starting at 10:30am we are running 2 Best-of-One Premier Challenges. The second PC is scheduled to start at 2:30pm, but may be delayed if the morning one hasn't finished yet.
Registration + Check-In 10:00am-10:30am
Each of these Premier Challenges has the following details:
Regulation Set E
Team Sheets required (One copy for tournament staff, one copy for your opponents)
No Rental Teams
Best of One Swiss Rounds + Best of Three Top Cut
Prizes: Store Credit + Pokemon Plushes
For more details check out: https://www.pokemon.com/static-assets/content-assets/cms2/pdf/play-pokemon/rules/play-pokemon-vg-rules-formats-and-penalty-guidelines-09112023-en.pdf
If you do not have a Play! Pokemon ID, one can be provided to you at the event.
Please format as DD/MM/YYYY
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What can I win?No prizes have been listed
Tabernacle Games
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