What better way to kick off the holidays than to battle for the 2023 trophy and be crowned Champion?
Bring your most powerful Pioneer format Deck and fight to win!
Swiss Rounds into a Top 8 Cut
Decklists required. Can be submitted via email prior to checking in.
Please submit decklists to tabernaclegames@gmail.com with the subject line "TABGMS Pioneer [Your Name]"
Entry: $50
Preregister before Dec 1 for only $40!
Instore Registration + Check In: 10AM - 11AM
Round 1: 11AM
Pionner Format
Sample prizes based on 16 Players
1st - $250 store credit + Champsionship Trophy + Championship Playmat
2nd - $100 store credit
3rd / 4th - $70 store credit
5th - 8th - $50 store credit
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Tabernacle Games
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